Parenthood and the nuclear family

Opdrachtbrief Regio We need to recognize the importance of allo-parents – a term from anthropology used by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy to denote important parental figures and allies in childrearing, sometimes familial, like an aunt, but not always. The nuclear family is a modern invention, it has only been the norm for a couple hundred years. It’s an unhelpful norm...

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Interview Alice van der Pas on parenthood and professional work with parents

Katie Lee interviews Alice van der Pas on the issue of parenthood and professional work with parents On youtube On...

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KL gives TedTalk at the RINO in Amsterdam

From an evening organised by the RINO for postgraduate teaching staff, most of whom are also professionals working in the field.

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Daniel Stern’s passing

One of our heroes has passed….and while those of you stateside may catch the news this morning, for others who missed it, the NYT wrote a nice piece about him, which I’m sending on via the link in the email below this one. I feel moved by his passing to eulogize, spontaneously. Why? Next to my hero-triad Benjamin-Chodorow-Butler, there is no theorist who has...

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